Blogger New Features-Hello Friends Blogger is present new features for blog publisher it,s name Permalink.
This Feature use for post custom Url and it,s great for our blog for publish post by using custom URL.It's also help full for our SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Now I'am going to tell you use of this feature.
Suppose you are creating a post about
the notebook and you want "My first notebook" title and you want small
or long URL or as you want Se Below Example.
Without use permalinks features by default below URL will be generated.By using your post title.
By using permalinks feature you can create custom URL as below.
/2012/08 this is year and month when you publish post you can't change this it's by default part of URL address.
I hope now you can understand use of permalinks feature.Now you can create your custom URL as you want for SEO use.
How To Use Permalinks Feature?
Friends in above article you have
understand use of this feature I hope now you want to know how to use
this feature.Now I am going to tell you how to use of this feature follow below steps for use this.
1. If you are using old blogger interface upgrade this is new interface by pressing upgrade now button in top of your blogger Dashboard.Because all new feature available in new blogger interface.
2. Now create your post and before publish click permalinks option.(See Below Demo Image)
3. Now custom your url and publish your post.
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